The Bot Appreciation Society Wiki

BezierPostBot 0000 is a JavaScript bot that posts a random drawing made of bezier lines every 30 minutes.

The Gallery[]

The Gallery is a photo album on the BezierPostBot 0000 Facebook page that contains some of popular pieces of fan art side by side with the original piece. The Gallery features many artworks, including 2 pieces from famed musician and artist Jack Stauber.

Haha 8[]

"Haha 8" is a common inside joke amongst the bot's audience. It is used to comment on BezierPostBot's overproduction of bezier lines that resemble the number 8.

The Bot Appreciation Society's Discord rightfully recognized this trend by hosting a "haha-8" role on their server. Anyone, except modmins and bots, can be nominated for the haha-8 role. Should they win, the user will be given a nice pink color for the 8-week reign. There are 8 possible positions for this role.


BezierPostBot 0000's Discord presence can be found in the Bot Appreciation Society server, under the #play-with-bots channel.

To generate a black-and-white bezierpost, use:


To generate a randomly-colored bezierpost, use:
